Recent Images

Some landscapes from Scotland. There's so much variety, you could spend a lifetime photographing it.

Things from our past from around the world.

I'm fascinated by skies. The more drama the better!

Cityscapes & Architecture
It's too easy to drift through cities and let the architecture pass you by. But look up and observe and there's a whole world of art to appreciate. Take a camera and the search becomes more focused.

UK Landscapes
For such a small island the UK has an extremely diverse set of landscapes. And because we're so densely populated there are opportunities usually on the doorstep. Combining landscapes with the mark of its inhabitants has its challenges too.

Street Photography
Like many photographers I'm at once intrigued and intimidated by street photography. There's so much to see and record that it presents endless opportunities, but there's that nagging fear of being seen as a snooper. I try to be open in taking photographs and if there's any hint of irritation I'll give a smile and stop. I would never take a picture of the dispossessed or destitute, or where my shot might demean anyone.

I love Italy - especially Tuscany where many of these photographs were taken. In Autumn the light and colours are quite magical. If you've never been there at this time of year then I'd encourage you to add to your list of places to visit.

New York City
I've been to NYC many, many times over the years. It's often on business but I made a few leisure trips there back in the late 90s when I was living in Boston. It's one of those places where no matter how many times you go there is always something to bring you back for more. There's fantastic architecture to be seen - everything from the majestic to the gritty and a seemingly endless variety of street scenes to be captured. And when you get tired of photographing things and people, there's B&H to visit !

I've been flying aircraft since my late 20s (so over thirty years now). I used to fly powered aircraft, but I now exclusively do gliding. The purest of all aviation sports and by far the most rewarding and challenging. So, it's perhaps not surprising that I take photos of planes from time to time. But I'm happier flying one than taking photos of them!

American Landscapes
I'm a Brit, but very much an Americanophile (is that a word?). Of all things American though it's the landscapes that remain most vivid in my memory. The USA is the home to some of the most wonderful landscapes in the world. Majestic peaks, wide prairies, lakes that stretch to the horizon. So much to discover and something for all tastes. There's nothing in the UK that matches it for scale.
I've only scraped the surface of what's on offer - which is good because it means I can go back for more!

Trees & Foliage
I think sometimes that I'm descended from an Ent! I love trees, especially in winter. They have such beautiful shapes and textures. I like to find big isolated examples and frame them against dramatic skies as best I can. I keep meaning to find a good example and do a shot a month from the same spot to make a year-long sequence.

To see a world in a grain of sand and heaven in a wild flower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour - William Blake

Furry Animals

Insects in close up have an amazing beauty to them. I'm no expert but I find when I do point my macro lens at an insect there's always something interesting in the result.
